
How We Help



At Synapse ADHD/ADD Services we are committed to providing support to individuals and families of those with ADHD/ADD.


We provide support in the way of screening tools to General Practitioners so as to be able to screen for ADHD/ADD. Anyone who is screened positive is referred for specialist assessment. You will also be able to carry out an online self-assessment to find out if you need further specialist review.


The World Health Organization has prepared a self-screening questionnaire you can use to determine if you might have adult ADHD. The Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of adult ADHD. The ASRS is comprised of 6 questions that are ranked on a scale of 0 to 4. If you have at least 4 of these 6 symptoms significantly, you may have ADHD and should seek out a formal diagnosis.
When you complete this Adult ADHD questionnaire, if the results seem to indicate you might have ADHD (that is, four or more of your answers in Part A are located in the grey boxes), then bring a copy of the questionnaire with you when you seek diagnosis to help with the diagnostic process.

Take the Test

To take the test, please visit the Adult ADHD Questionnaire page. This link will open the web page containing the adult ASRS questionnaire, which you can complete and submit by following the instructions.
Please note this test is a starting point, not as a diagnostic tool. This score is not intended as a mental disorder diagnosis, or as any type of healthcare recommendation.

Take Note

This screening test is a symptoms checklist for adult ADHD and not a diagnostic test. A full assessment and potential diagnosis of ADHD is not accomplished using an online test or during a quick doctor’s appointment. A thorough evaluation usually takes more than one visit, and must be done by a professional who is trained in ADHD*. Other conditions can sometimes resemble ADHD, so it is important to work with a professional who is able to rule out these other conditions and make the appropriate diagnosis. Many psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and some general practice physicians are trained to diagnose adult ADHD.

A thorough assessment requires a complete physical and psychiatric medical history as well as screening to rule out any possible physical disorders. All assessments should include an extensive interview with you and often with your significant other (other people are often more aware of your behaviours and struggles than you are), and the application of various symptom-rating scales. For accuracy, it is common to use more than one scale to confirm results.


Our team of clinicians provide specialized assessment for diagnosing ADHD in children and adults. We provide this assessment for both inpatients and outpatients. Our community team also provides home assessments as well online assessments via video Skype.

If you will need a specialized assessment, please contact us!


We provide treatment through medication and/or psychotherapy. Treatment is usually outpatient except for exceptional severe situations where admission may be recommended. This may also be due to other co-morbid conditions requiring inpatient treatment.

We also provide home psychological and medical reviews.