
Did you know?

  • ADHD
  • Did you know?


ADHD/ADD is a chronic and pervasive disorder that occurs in 4 – 8 % of children and 3 – 5 % of adults?
ADHD/ADD is predominantly caused by genetic inheritance with or without influence from the environment?
ADHD/ADD is characterized by attention or concentration problems (inattention), hyperactivity or (inner) restlessness, and/or impulsive behaviour?
ADHD/ADD doesn’t occur only in the Western World and is not a foreign diagnosis; it is seen in children and adults all over the world?
ADHD/ADD runs in the family, so that one or more family members may have the same challenges?
Environmental factors implicated in ADHD/ADD include perinatal oxygen deprivation, exposure to lead or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), prenatal smoking and prenatal alcohol exposure?
ADHD/ADD is seen to be more prevalent in boys than girls in childhood, but has fairly equal gender distribution in adulthood?
ADHD /ADD can co-exist with other conditions/problems which include but are not limited to addiction to alcohol and drugs, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, autism and dyslexia?
Untreated ADHD can have detrimental consequences such as underachieving in education and at work, a lower income, a lot of different jobs and partners, (car) accidents, teenage pregnancies, an early onset of substance abuse and chance of addiction, low self-esteem and insecurity, chronic fatigue and chronic sleep problems?